Making The WordPress Twenty Fourteen Theme Sexier With A Mobile Accordion Menu

Intro Mobile menus have always been challenging, and over the last few years we’ve seen off-canvas menus, fixed navigation and everything in between. Today, we’ll be looking at the “Top primary menu” in the Twenty Fourteen theme for WordPress, which is a fixed, top-down menu. The Problem I really like this style of menu, with one exception—large menus often go below the fold on mobile. The Solution One solution we […Read More]

Create A Spectacular Blog While Using Your Business As The Engine For Ideas

We inhabit a world where words like “content marketing,” “content strategy,” “SEO” and “PPC” are thrown around like the backyard game of toss from your youth. If you never hear any of those words again, you’d be fine. After all, that’s why you hired an SEO firm—they can spend all day chasing Google’s tail for you. You have a business to run and serious decisions to take. Check out Mortgage […Read More]

Attention Minutes: A New Way of Measuring Audience Engagement

Facebook recently announced changes aimed at showing more news content in place of fuzzy cat pics, so you may notice an increase in the number of shared articles, lists and videos going forward. My newsfeed is overflowing. Sometimes the headline of a shared article is so obviously optimized for click bait, it makes me want to kick my naïve social network community. Most people are neither reading nor critically analyzing […Read More]

How To Take Your Productivity Through The Roof: Adopt An Organizational Mindset

My name is Carli, and I’m organized. No, I’m not one of those people who should have her own show (think Hoarders), but I do place a great deal of value on organization. So should you. Businesses and individuals run at their peak when efficiency is made a priority. And in my mind, one of the easiest ways to adopt an efficiency mindset is through the practice of organization, which, […Read More]

Is Social Media Ruining Relationships on #ValentinesDay

Valentine’s Day is here. Do you know what your partner is doing on Facebook? Come on, tell the truth. This question is for all the single people out there. What is the first thing you do today when you meet someone? Check them out on line right? Do a search for their name? Look at their Facebook page?  Social media has given us a never before look at our partners […Read More]

Getting Hip to Real-Time Content Marketing: Tips You Need to Implement Today

I love real time marketing. It makes me feel involved, ahead of the game and even a part of the action. Apparently so do other marketers with about 83% of marketers saying they’re going to use more real-time data in their efforts, according to Infogroup Targeting Solutions. I personally believe that it’s a great way to build your social audience and maybe even help to influence what consumers purchase. That’s […Read More]