What The Hunger Games Can Teach Us About SEO: Part 2

In my previous post, What The Hunger Games Can Teach Us About SEO: Part 1, I discussed the age-old dilemma of book-to-screen adaptations. The movie adaptation usually leaves “details and story elements” out from the book leaving you with a less than stellar experience much like black hat SEO companies can only offer you a quick-fix Page Rank instead of the long-tail success that an above-the-fold company like Advice Interactive […Read More]

What The Hunger Games Can Teach Us About SEO: Part 1

If you’re a reader like me, I’m sure you’ve experienced the book-to-movie adaptation dilemma. I read The Hunger Games after my wife devoured the whole trilogy. I knew there was a movie in the works and I waited until closer to the release date before I read the young adult phenomenon. After all, this is no Twilight. The Hunger Games is a story about a dystopian society who yearly turns […Read More]