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Give and you shall receive… Do you believe in this statement?

During the holidays, I find I spend more time reflecting on my surroundings and how I can be more charitable in my day-to-day activities. It is great when you have the opportunity to connect these goals with other individuals and organizations.

Advice Interactive Group is one of those organizations that I have a strong connection with. Not just because I work here, but also because we have a common core value, which is to further the digital marketing industry, provide education, and help people by giving of time, money and resources.

How do we give?

  • Fund the development of cutting edge technology to expand the digital marketing industry, which helps every business owner, small and large.
  • Support non-profits with monetary donations like Educational First Steps, Cornerstone Ranch and TryMunity, the non-profit founded by the CEO, Bernadette Coleman, after her son suffered a traumatic brain injury.
  • Sponsor local organizations meetings, profit, non-profit, small and large in the digital space.

So why having I been thinking about this today?

Because a current project the Advice team is working on is building awareness for the Tree Classics charitable giving campaign. Tree Classics has committed to 15 charities a minimum donation of $500, plus a percentage of each Christmas tree they sell between now and Christmas.

So where you do you come into play? And how can you help?

  1. Blog about Tree Classics and charity giving on your website
  2. Share about their chartable giving campaign on your social media
  3. Make a purchase on their website and select a charity to support
  4. Donate as little as $5 to one of the participating charities and be entered to win a prize

So let’s go back to the receiving part … How does giving help you receive?

Let me name a few ways it has helped Advice:

  • Recognized leader in the digital marketing industry because of their cutting edge technology focus.
  • Reputation of being a giving corporation, a perk when other giving corporations decide who to hire.
  • Local organizations extend exclusive invites, opportunities and connections.

Giving doesn’t always means money. It can be your time, resources, introductions and ideas.

I want to close with this … What have you gave? And what did you receive in return?

(BTW … if you blog, share or donate let us know you did it by commenting and we’ll see what we can do to help you receive, even if it as little as a smile, a tweet or a Thank You.)