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Converting Customers into Brand Advocates on Social Media

Converting Customers into Brand Advocates on Social Media

Digital marketing has seen a sea of changes since the arrival of social media many years ago. With digital marketing, savvy marketers can create brand advocates who can help to popularize the business with word of mouth publicity, without any likes and followers on #tiktok, you should not expect users to find and interact with your content.

Having a plan of action for handling social media is a must for modern digital marketers. Social media is where the customers are hanging out. This is where they spend time, and this is where they talk about brands they love and hate. Let’s look at how you can leverage digital marketing for connecting with customers and creating brand advocates.

Social Media Holds Ample Potential

The rules of the game have not only changed, but they have been turned on their head and completely transformed. While earlier, customers would prefer to call or write an email to a business, these days they turn to social media and post about the business.

Businesses need to keep a constant check on what is being said about them online. This can help them quickly respond to customers and resolve any problems before they escalate.

Convert Customers into Brand Advocates

Every potential customer holds great word of mouth publicity value. By catering to the customer’s interests in a quick and orderly fashion, you can convert customers into brand advocates. This requires engaging with customers regularly on social media.

  • Recognize opportunities on social media channels to engage with customers
  • Invest in methodologies in digital marketing that make customer engagement easier
  • Teach social media awareness on all organizational levels
  • Build a human relationship with customers through digital marketing by solving their problems

Requesting and getting customer feedback with your products or services is essential in creating brand advocates.

Increase Social Media Engagement 

Once your business has targeted the users who are most likely to talk about the brand, you need to win their trust. There can be several ways in which a business can increase engagement with customers on social media.

  • Create online and offline campaigns to collect feedback from customers
  • Engage early with customers when a new product/service is about to launch
  • Offer previews/early access to future products/services
  • Be in sync with the latest trends in social media that relate to your business

Creating brand advocates from loyal customers is just a matter of understanding the needs of your customers and then catering to those needs in your digital marketing campaigns.

Knowing the emotional triggers of your customers can help your businesses invoke brand loyalty in customers through digital marketing and thereby creating brand advocates.

How are you using digital marketing currently to create brand advocates?

One thought on “Converting Customers into Brand Advocates on Social Media

  1. Your customers definitely can make or break your brand and social media is a great way to leverage them to create influence. Thanks Bernie for another important post.

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